- Accident & Health
- Casualty
- Certificate Tracking
- Claims Management
- Directors & Officers
- Loss Management
- Public Private Partnerships & Private Finance Initiative
- Premium Allocation
- Private Client and Personal Insurance
- Project Finance
- Property
- Risk Control & Claim Advocacy
- Risk Management Business
- Risk Management Operational
- Surety Bonds
The simple term Casualty describes several complex areas of risk, from Automobile and General Liability to Product Liability and Workers' Compensation. Although often treated separately, we believe that these exposures are best approached with a pragmatic, cohesive strategy. The CoverMark Casualty Practice has the insight, experience and resources to accomplish this difficult and crucial goal.
Casualty risk profiles change almost daily and no two are exactly alike. The legal and regulatory environments constantly evolve. The marketplace fluctuates and exposures only seem to grow in number, scope and complexity. Product liability, terrorism, the effect of employee concentration on Workers' Compensation coverage, and risk appetite - these are among the Casualty issues that can weigh heavily on a company's future.
CoverMark engages with clients in the formulation, design and execution of both traditional and complex risk management programs to address these risks. We work in the context of your broadest objectives and your risk tolerance. Our rigorous risk evaluation, assessment and structuring approaches are all customized for each client's situation. Through in-depth, ongoing dialogue, we attempt to fully understand your goals, and from this discussion present a variety of alternatives and options that best meet your long-term objectives.
Program Structure
Working with clients in a diverse array of industries and locations, we are especially adept at crafting highly customized solutions that provide responsive and creative risk management program alternatives for almost any type of organizational situation or circumstance. Whether the exposure is generated from unique or unusual exposures, significant employee concentrations, product liability or a volatile loss history, our goal is to understand your needs and formulate customized solutions that help protect your organization's bottom line.