- Accident & Health
- Casualty
- Certificate Tracking
- Claims Management
- Directors & Officers
- Loss Management
- Public Private Partnerships & Private Finance Initiative
- Premium Allocation
- Private Client and Personal Insurance
- Project Finance
- Property
- Risk Control & Claim Advocacy
- Risk Management Business
- Risk Management Operational
- Surety Bonds
Loss Management
- When things go wrong in business, the financial consequences can be severe. As well as the immediate cost of replacing your assets, business capacity is reduced and that affects the
bottom line. - At CoverMark, our claims service is organised for maximum efficiency, enabling businesses to get back on track in the minimum time possible. Dedicated teams with intimate knowledge of your business and streamlined processes mean prompt settlement which leads to lower premium costs.
- But there is more to our service than just settling claims. By intervening early when losses occur, particularly through our specialist large loss consultancy, and analysis of claims data, we can contribute significantly to your risk management strategy and reduce the total cost of risk.
- We provide a full loss management service from claims notification to settlement for all types of clients; self-insured, captive insurers, large fleet operators, and entities requiring management information.
Portfolio Programs
Insurance programs can be designed to allow a fund to leverage the collective buying power of its portfolio companies. Typical benefits can be:
- Reduced costs
- Coverage optimization
- Consistency of service
- Increase in management information