- Accident & Health
- Casualty
- Certificate Tracking
- Claims Management
- Directors & Officers
- Loss Management
- Public Private Partnerships & Private Finance Initiative
- Premium Allocation
- Private Client and Personal Insurance
- Project Finance
- Property
- Risk Control & Claim Advocacy
- Risk Management Business
- Risk Management Operational
- Surety Bonds
Claims Advocacy
Claims Management
Our Claim Services Practice utilizes a seamless approach to claim management with one goal: reducing cost of risk. Our claim professionals are experts at handling large, complex and catastrophic claims.
Our claim management practice provides claim services and advocacy to a full spectrum of clients, from small businesses to conglomerates. We understand each organization has specific claim needs and exposures – Workers' Compensation, General Liability, Auto Liability, Property, Environmental, Executive Risk, Aviation, Marine – and we offer a broad spectrum of services to address them. No matter where they are located, clients of every size can expect seamless service through our team of claim consultants.
We provide a comprehensive line of services, acting as an advocate in expediting and managing the entire claim management process. We understand the process and can plan an effective strategy to maximize your recovery. Our services include:
1. Specialized claims reporting and monitoring via our claims experts.
With these specialized services we are able to offer:
- Availability 24/7 for emergency and disaster response
- Interventions and resolution of issue with adjusters and carriers
- Protection of your interest in all claims matters
. Assistance in the negotiation with insurers’ representatives
3. Claim strategy reviews
4. Accelerated claim closures following review of all pending claim files
5. Ongoing consultation and advocacy work
6. Providing comparative metrics for claim payment performance by all major insurers
7. Litigation management to assist in the selection of outside counsel, development of procedural
guidelines, case monitoring and internal claim staff interface