Infra Debt Fund Structure
Equity Investor
CoverMark Infrastructure Finance Company Limited (Sponsor) and Financial Investors
Debt Investor
Debt in the form of local currency and foreign currency bonds would be raised by leveraging equity. Long term debt instruments of CoverMark Infra Debt Fund Limited are AAA rated
Funds raised through equity and debt would be invested in a portfolio of operational infrastructure projects.
Structure of IDF
Sponsors + Financial Investors (Equity)
Debt Investors
CoverMark IDF (an IDF-NBFC) AAA Rated
Tax Benefits
Company incorporated under The Companies Act,
Project 1
Project 2
Project 3
Benefit of IDF - NBFC Structure
• Project portfolio diversified by sector, project type, geography and sponsor
• Sponsor Equity represents the 1st loss piece
• In key sectors like Roads & Ports, CoverMark IDF would have a Termination compensation (i.e. Guarantee)from a government- owned Project Authority in specified events of default, which would cover 100% of the debt provided by CoverMark IDF.
• Lower withholding tax (5%) for foreign investors.